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Celebrating Black History Month

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is more than just what you say. It’s what you do. That’s why we’re putting the small talk aside and investing in a future with more diversity and representation in tech. In honor of Black History Month, SpotOn is donating to CodeCrew [https:...

Tending: Colleen Kendle on Company Culture

I like to think of company culture like a plant on the corner of your desk. You appreciate it because it’s a living thing, just like you, that serves as a reminder of our connection with the larger world. But if you don’t give it a smidge of...

Building Businesses by Building Trust

Every single day of his 11 years in the U.S. Air Force as a medic, former Staff Sergeant (SSgt) John Bristol relied on one crucial tool: Trust. “When you’re out in the field trying to help someone who’s been injured, you have to earn their trust before...

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