Heart & Hustle

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Improving Outdoor Dining with Modern Restaurant Technology

COVID has changed the way we dine, and outdoor dining, parklets, and patios are here to stay. With winter fast approaching, many restaurants are rethinking the outdoor dining experience for their guests. As a recent article in PYMNTS.com [https://www.pymnts.com/restaurant-innovation/2021/as-covid-persists-restaurants-reinvest-in-outdoor-dining/] explains, this includes improving...

How Omnichannel Solutions Help Retailers Thrive In-Store and Online

As consumers re-enter their old routines, they're looking forward to shopping in person. In fact, according to international research data and analytics group YouGov [https://business.yougov.com/sectors/retail/international-omni-channel-retail-report-2021] , 57% of American adults say they're excited to get back into brick-and-mortar stores. But as...

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