Heart & Hustle

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Communicating Your Post-Pandemic Customer Interaction Expectations

As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down across the country and around the world, customers are flocking back to in-person shopping. You might be eager to ramp up in-store activity at your small business again—but you're also looking to do so safely. Bringing customers back into the store...

How Marketing Management Tools Can Streamline Your Business

Being a small-business owner comes with a unique set of challenges. You're managing employees, plotting marketing campaigns, and keeping your business afloat. On top of this, you're figuring out how to deliver more services digitally. The problem with keeping so many plates spinning is that you...

Why Food Trucks, Ghost Kitchens, and Pop-Ups Need an Online Presence

Food trucks, ghost kitchens, and pop-ups let restaurateurs extend their skills and businesses beyond their brick-and-mortar locations (and could help them keep their businesses going while their storefronts are limited by COVID-19 guidelines). But they also create a greater need for maintaining an online presence. According to Restaurant Business [https:...

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